Photo exhibition «Parent's House. Homestead.»


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The history of the Republican public organization of Germans “Wiedergeburt” (“Revival”) in Kazakhstan

August 10, 2020 Ирина Кайзер, Евгения Гизик, 0 1,134

The All-Union Society of Soviet Germans “Wiedergeburt” is a socio-political, cultural and educational association, the main goals and objectives of which was to ensure the ethnic self-preservation of Germans in the Soviet Union republics. It was created in March 1989 in Moscow.

The German House is a cultural and social center of the German population of the republic, a center for organizing and implementing measures to help ethnic Germans with the financial support of the FRG, was opened on August 25, 1994 in Alma-Ata. The office of the Alma-Ata Executive Bureau of “Wiedergeburt” is located in the German House. (more…)

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About Finnish mentality

August 9, 2020 Кайса Стэндиш, Дархан Кусаинов, 0 889

Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of Finland in Nur Sultan Kaisa Standish about the traditional Finnish attitude towards nature and history (more…)

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Reenactment of the «Spätzle» dish. History

August 9, 2020 Марина Боровинских, Ирина Кайзер, Евгения Гизик, 0 1,124

«Spaetzle» (German «Spätzle») is a type of pasta.

The dish came to us from the Alemanns (Swabians) – these are Germanic tribes who lived in the upper Danube and Rhine. Mentioned for the first time in sources of the beginning of the 3rd century AD. e. The name «Alemanni» has been preserved in a number of Romance and Turkic languages as «Alaman», meaning Germans.

«Spetzle» literally means «arrows» in German. This is a type of pasta made from wheat flour and eggs in the form of small pieces of dough, boiled in boiling water or fried in oil, which are shaped like «Spaetzle» arrows or «Knöpfle» buttons. Previously, there were no special kitchen appliances and «Spaetzle» were made by hand or with a spoon. As a result, they resembled in shape what the Swabians (South Germans) call «Spatzen», that is, «arrow». Hence the diminutive «Spätzle» was born. (more…)

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About traditional Finnish costume

August 8, 2020 Кайса Стэндиш, Дархан Кусаинов, 0 1,223

Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Finland Kaisa Standish about traditional Finnish costume (more…)